Alcatel Lucent, a leading mobile technologies, fixed, IP and optics have just sent a new product named FP3 400G network processor. 400G FP3 is a network processor capable of enhancing the ability of the network performance of up to four times more than the internet protocol (IP) the fastest currently available.

With the capability of transmitting data up to 400 gigabits per second, FP3 has the advantage when used in telecom operators to provide content services, with bandwidth-intensive applications. For example, Siemens is currently handling projects covering 70,000 streaming HD video simultaneously, or 8.4 million retail cloud sessions simultaneously. Another advantage of FP3 is its ability to conserve power by 50 percent.

If the processor is placed in the heart of a portfolio of routing, IP service will have high performance of the metro to the edge which would then be forwarded to the central architecture of HLN. This step will lead to increased performance of the router to four-fold increase in new broadband applications with high reliability continuously.

With the capability of transmitting data up to 400 gigabits per second, FP3 has the advantage when used in telecom operators to provide content services, with bandwidth-intensive applications. For example, Siemens is currently handling projects covering 70,000 streaming HD video simultaneously, or 8.4 million retail cloud sessions simultaneously. Another advantage of FP3 is its ability to conserve power by 50 percent.

If the processor is placed in the heart of a portfolio of routing, IP service will have high performance of the metro to the edge which would then be forwarded to the central architecture of HLN. This step will lead to increased performance of the router to four-fold increase in new broadband applications with high reliability continuously.
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